Keep your Skin Young


As we age our Cell Renewal Factor (CRF) or cell turnover rate slows down. Cell turnover is the process by which our skin produces new skin cells which travel from the lowest layer of the epidermis to the top layer and then shed off the skin. This is what keeps dead cells from building up on the skins surface.

Our CRF (Cell Renewal Factor) changes as we age:

Babies – 14 days

Teenagers – 21 – 28 days

Middle age – 28 – 42 days

50 and up – 42 – 84 days

That means that as we age, the top layer of the skin, the one we see, touch, and even agonize over, becomes dull. We lose our “glow”. And, think about this, if the top layer of your skin is really lots and lots and lots of dead skin cells (between 15 to 20 layers), how much of those antioxidant and retinol serums you are applying are actually getting through and doing what they are supposed to be doing?

That is why esthetician will encourage their clients to practice mild exfoliation as part of their daily skin care regimen, to help keep the top layer of skin from getting too thick with dead skin cells. If someone suffers from breakouts, exfoliation is a key step in their home skincare routine. People with acne prone or seborrheic skin conditions especially need to help their bodies slough off the dead skin cells, so that they don’t clog the pores.

Regular exfoliation is the key to keeping pores unclogged.  Water based products containing AHA‘s (Alpha Hydroxy Acids – also known as the “fruit acids”) tend to dissolve the intracellular “glue” that holds dead cells together on the skins surface.  The AHA exfoliation in Naturopathica’s Sweet Cherry, Pumpkin or Pear Fig leverages the skins own defense mechanism response to their use and has been shown to stimulate the production of fresh skin cells.  It happens to also smell heavenly.

When continued for a period of a few months, it leads to an effective gentle, gradual, enhanced cell renewal rate.  Enhanced Cell Renewal exposes a better moisturized skin, with less sun damage.

This means a lighter complexion, fewer pigmentation spots and less fine lines and wrinkles.  This process can be boosted with Looma Spa’s facial service such as the Organic Face Lift Facial or Can’t tell my A.G.E. facial which helps your precious serums and anti-oxidants better penetrate your skin to nourish it and keep it looking younger longer.


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